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Fortean Times #339 (April 2016)

  • Release date: 31 Mar 2016
  • Cover price: £4.25
  • Cover: Shaunl/Getty Images
  • Digital editions: Zinio --- Google Play --- Magzter


  • 42 In the Land of the Chaneques - Adventures with Mexico's Little People
  • 58 Where the Wild Things Are - Can a human become an urban fox?
  • 18 Ghosts of the Tsunami - Foreign phantoms haunt Thai beaches
  • 26 Return to East Gate - Early accounts of the Rendlesham Forest UFO
  • 36 The Tell-Tale Eye - The last thing you see is your killer...


28 The Eye-Spy Teddies of Albania (Cover Story)
Protective traditions intended to ward off the power of the 'evil eye' are found throughout history and all over the world - but do they morph and adapt to the events of recent history? John Billingsley travelled to Albania, where he found scarecrows and rams' horns displaced by cuddly rabbits and tatty teds - soft toys united in a struggle against the social changes wrought by capitalism...

36 The Tell-Tale Eye
Jan Bondeson explores the history of one of the odder delusions of criminology: the notion that on the retinas of the recently murdered is captured an image of the last thing they saw - the perfect scientific evidence to catch a killer...

42 In the Land of the Chaneques
When Chris Pollard first moved to Veracrus State he was a confirmed sceptic. Since then, odd experiences and tales of close encounters with Mexico's little people have left him wondering whether the stone-throwing, trick-playing, child-stealing fairy-folk might be more real than he'd ever imagined...


56 In search of the Little Blue Man by Theo Paijmans

58 Where the wild things are by Charles Foster


48 Strange Statesmen No 10. American Psychos 3: Independents' Day

52 Building a Fortean Library No 9. Paradoxography: forteana before Fort

Strange Days

Britain's dullest men, auroral simulacra, alien sex fiends, Irish abductee, Yeti prints photographed, Thailand's angel dolls, pets that sniff out illness, black fox, deathbed dreams and visions, man/penguin love story - and much more.

  • 05 The Conspirasphere
  • 14 Science
  • 16 Archaeology
  • 17 Classical Corner
  • 18 Ghostwatch
  • 21 Alien Zoo
  • 23 Mythconceptions
  • 24 Necrolog
  • 25 Fairies & Forteana
  • 26 The UFO Files
  • 80 Strange Deaths



  • 02 No Normal
    • Sophie Celebrated
    • Aaron Ramsey Strikes Again!
    • Errata


  • 61


  • 73

It Happened to Me

  • 77


Coming Next Month

  • Star Whackers - Is a Tinsel-Town conspiracy killing off Hollywood stars?
  • Mowing Devils - Crop circles and the hairy man of St Trinian's
  • + Demonic Divorce, Gateway to Hell, Rural Monsters, and Much More... Fortean Times 340 on sale 28 Apr 2016

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