Fortean Times #267 (October 2010)
- A slightly larger scan/photo of this issue's cover would be appreciated. If you happen to have access to such an image, please send it to scans at the domain ft dot gjovaag dot com with a subject of "Fortean Times Cover Scan". Thanks for your help.
- Release date: 16 Sep 2010
- Cover price: £4.25
- US Edition is dated November 2010 with a cover price of $11.99 USA (CAN $13.25, AUS $12.95, NZ $16.90)
- Cover: Alex Tomlinson
- 42 Poetry and the Paranormal - Exploring the mysteries of literary inspiration
- 16 Growth in Ghosts - Hauntings are on the increase
- 6-7 On the Wing - Our feathered friends on display
- 74 Legends of Kiev - The stranger side of an ancient capital
- 54 Unholy Smoke! - Burning beasts spread terror
34 The Magical Battle of Britain (Cover Story)
By September 1940, the Battle of Britain was at its height in the skies over southern England, as Britain stood alone against Hitler's threat of invasion. Seventy years on, we commemorate this legendary victory - but, ask Dave Evans and David Sutton, were Churchill's celebrated Few given a magical helping hand by the nation's occultists?
42 Poetry and the Paranormal
Authors have always been pestered with that perennial question: "Where do you get your ideas from?" SD Tucker examines some very peculiar answers from the likes of Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
32 Blasts from the Past - No. 26. Living pterodactyls by Ulrich Magin
49 Fortean Times Dictionary of the Damned - No. 35. Extra-sensory perception, Part 3 Precognition
74 Fortean Traveller - No. 72. Kiev, Ukraine by Angela Kennedy
53 Flying cars of the Gods by Bob Rickard
54 Unholy smoke! by Neil Arnold
56 The uses of re-enchantment by Simon Wilson
Strange Days
Hair samples show leopard in Devon; water monsters; Himmler's alchemy and Hitler's saviour; a hen that walks like a penguin; Buddha appears as termite mound; Japan's lost elders; primate pranks; investigating near-death experience; Churchill's UFO cover-up - and much more.
- 14 Science
- 16 Ghostwatch
- 17 Mythconceptions
- 18 Fortean Follow-ups
- 20 Archaeology
- 21 Classical Corner
- 25 Alien Zoo
- 27 Konspiracy Korner
- 28 Necrolog
- 29 Strange Deaths
- 30 The UFO Files
- Flyingsaucery
- UFO Casebook
- 02
- 48
- 59
- 69
Simulacra Corner
- 72
It Happened to Me
- 73
- 79 Phenomenomix
Tales from the Vault
- 80
Reader Info
- 78
- Editor - David Sutton
- Founding Editor - Bob Rickard
- Founding Editor - Paul Sieveking
- Art Director - Etienne Gilfillan
- Sub Editor - Owen Whiteoak
- Staff Writer/Picture Researcher - Jen Ogilvie
- Book Reviews Editor - Val Stevenson
- Web Editor - Jen Ogilvie
- Design Assistant - Chris Brawn
- Work Experience - James McMeekin
- Resident Cartoonist - Hunt Emerson