FT Covers:About

From FT Covers
Revision as of 00:11, 14 February 2016 by FTAdmin (talk | contribs)
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Purpose of This Website

This page is an effort to collect scans of the covers to Fortean Times Magazine. That's it. Hope you weren't expecting something more profound.

There may be a little indexing of issues here and there, but the main purpose of the page is to collect and display the covers for easy reference. Being a obsessive type of fan, who likes to index and cross-reference, I might do whatever indexing I'm able as time and desire (and living expenses) allow, but in the end, please don't expect any regular updates aside from the covers, or you will become disappointed.

  • The months given for each issue are the UK publication/pull month. Some countries may have a different month listed on the cover.
  • The author of this page has nothing to do with Fortean Times other than being a fan of the magazine (and having had a letter published once).

Better quality scans or scans of missing issues are welcome. Submit cover scans or offers to help to "scans at the domain ft dot gjovaag dot com" with a subject of "Fortean Times Cover Scan". I also accept mail at realtegan at excite.com, but I only check the account once a week and most people don't get responses sent from it.

Subscribe to Fortean Times

Visit the official Fortean Times website to subscribe. Folks outside the UK have choices too (I use IMS News). If you'd prefer to read it digitally, check out Zinio.

The author of this page gets no kick-back for directing you to these websites... if you want to thank me, send the scans I'm missing.

Index Progress

  • Indexed issues: 321-333
  • I have access to every issue from 240 on (although somebody has borrowed my copy of 304... at least I have the Zinio copy as a backup). For earlier issues, I will begging, borrowing and buying as soon as I get that far back. If I ever do...